Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Life is Love


Life is Love & Love is Life

Loving without intent or wish for merit

May 28, 2019

Saying For Today: Then, we find, the intent to love has been given wholly into Love, and only the natural expression of Love, apart from intent, remains. Our entire being becomes a benediction.

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Rays of Light iV - Explore # 45 (entry)

The devotee bowed in Prayer. “Oh, God!” he pleaded, “give me Love!” To which he heard, “Friend, I already have, I have given you Myself.”

and ...

these words from March 2010 ...

This strange awareness arises within me, I am not trying to love anymore, to love anyone anymore. I am not even trying to love the person who most hurt me, who betrayed me, who denied me, who threw me away as worthless rubbish, who threatened me. I do not have to. I have no intent to love her, to love anyone. I am not a dispenser of love; Love is living through me. No effort, no need; just Is, is This. Freedom! The pain has opened me up, and now God is pouring through, while I look and laugh, and smile with bliss.

and this remains, still true ... and more true.

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The Christian New Testament word for Divine-Love, Love that is God, is agape (ag-ah'-pay). I John 4.16 speaks of the Love:

So we have come to know-by-experience and to trust in the agape that God has for us. God is agape, and whoever lives in agape lives in God, and God lives in that one.

We enter a mystery: "God is this Love, the Love by which God loves is one with God. God and the Love we are loved with by God are not something other than God, which God gives. God loving us means God is giving us of God's Self. God is Love; Love is God." This is Marvelous Mystery.

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We may think of "Presence" and "Love" as distinct, that Love arises from Presence. We say things like "God loves everyone." Yes, and more. This passage shows us that such duality is not the absolute truth. We are speaking on a linear, human plane of reason, when we speak of Life and Love as separate. Rather, saying "God loves ..." is saying "Grace gives us of the Nature of Grace, Love."

The closer we a drawn into Love, then, the less we intend to love. Then, we find, the intent to love has been given wholly into Love, and only the natural expression of Love, apart from intent, remains. Our entire being becomes a benediction.

So, intent as a goal to love dies in the life of Love, and a freedom freely to love, without intent or hope for merit, arises naturally, freely.

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The essence of the Light is Self-Outpouring. Life cannot choose not to give in this way, for Love is Self-Donation. As the river flows for the river is a river, Love loves for Love gives Love.

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An Aspiration Prayer

may all beings feel loved and freely loving
may their suffering be transformed into bliss
and grace given to alleviate the suffering of others
that all may live in the fullness of love, joy, and peace.
Amen ~ We say joyfully It is so!

Venezia. Canale della Giudecca (Postcards) (Explore May 27, 2019 #49)

*Place cursor over photographs for photographer and title.

(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2019. Brian can be contacted at 77ahavah77@gmail.com .


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Life is Love

©Brian Wilcox 2024